

Purpose of attaching transform nodes on nurbsCurves.
It is sorted based on the kwargs below, easy to learn.


Points : Auto

attaching nodes based on the amount kwargs.



Points : onGuide

attaching nodes what you places on the curve

This method will allow to attach that you have created any transform node types.
targets : <you wish to attach objects>


keep_parameter : vs keep_parameter :

keep_parameter :

All attached node will stay on the current position regardless of stretching the curve.
It will look like the sliding.


All attached node will follow to the cv(parameter).



Points : manual

  1. amount

If you have rebuilt the curve from 0 to 1. [Parameter range 0.0~1.0 ]
you can define the param values that you want to attach to the curve.
This will be triggered by the amount value


no matter even if your curve parameter range is over 1 <ex : minMaxValue [0.0, 10.0]>
You can define like [0.0, 2.0, 6.0, …] to the param points UI


2. targets

If you have rebuilt the curve from 0 to 1. [Parameter range 0.0~1.0 ]
The targets that you defined will be attached to the curve

targets : <you wish to attach objects>

no matter even if your curve parameter range is over 1 <ex : minMaxValue [0.0, 10.0]>
You can define like [0.0, 2.0, 6.0, …] to the param points UI

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