Estimated building time - under 3 mins
1. Drag and Drop a TongueA module
2. Place all placers
CHead1_CTongue:Pnt_<index>_placer on the Tongue geo.
place to proper position( it is a reversed chain which it means you can move any objects regardless of parents).
design ctrls all the grey shapes in components mode of maya.
3. Animation Mode
Press Animation Mode
2. SkinBind will be automatically applied on CHead1_<Side>_Tongue_01_def.
If you have built a mouth module, tongue module will be connected automatically.
4. Painting weights
You can paint on CHead1_<Side>_Tongue_01_def like FK paint weights of general type.
After all painting job done,
Let’s check what you have done so far,
Hide all your <ModuleType>Def_01_geos group node, and show Face_GEOs.
Move around any _Ctrls to check your face rig performance.
If you are not satisficed,
it is free of going for the placing mode to fix pivots or shapes of guides.
Your rigs will be never broken.
Modify weights in animation mode
Need to add more modules?
Go to place mode and drag drop whatever you need.