Estimated building time - under 2 mins
1. Drag and Drop a TeethGumA module
after drop, you will see like this image with target geos
2. Place all placers - design ctrl shapes
Move CHead1_CTeethGums:<Upper, Lower>Ctrl
confused what is placers or ctrl shapes in the Place mode?
Please see Structure page->Face - from Place mode to Animation mode | Structure
3. Animation Mode
Press Animation Mode
2. SkinBind will be automatically applied on target geos
If you have built a mouth module, TeethGums module will be connected automatically.
After all Steps are done, No need to paint weights in this module at this moment (more deformer and functions will be coming soon.)
Let’s check what you have done so far,
Hide all your <ModuleType>Def_01_geos group node, and show Face_GEOs.
Move around any _Ctrls to check your face rig performance.
If you are not satisficed,
it is free of going for the placing mode to fix pivots or shapes of guides.
Your rigs will be never broken.
Back and forth between place mode and animation mode,
skinClusters will be generated automatically, WMs make you just only focus on placing pivots to get best performance.
Need to add more modules?
Go to place mode and drag drop whatever you need.