WORKMANs face module will help you fast and efficient way to build all types of characters.
Drag and Drop → place all your placers → design ctrls → build mode →
Paint skinWeights → Done.
Pacing your placers to a proper joint position.
It will convert to the animation rigs.
Info |
Before starting, |
Rig module structure - 2 types objects
| Purpose | Design | suffix name |
Aqua color / nurbCurve objects | To move your joints pivot | Size up or down Not allowed to move components and switch shapes. | _placer |
Aqua color/ nurbCurve | To move your joints pivot and your rig Same purpose with placer. | You need to do, | _ctrl |
Grey color / nurbCurve | To move your rig | You need to do, | _ctrl |