For the purpose of attaching transform nodes on any nurbsSurface.
reverse : vs reverse :
left surface U:2, V:1
right surface U:1, V:3
right surface U:1, V:3
reversed way is U
non reversed way is V
startToEnd : vs startToEnd :
reversed way is U
non reversed way is V
non reversed way is V
StartToEnd checking will create nodes from start to end of surface.
points : Auto
Attaching transform nodes as regular parameter ratio on surface
If segment is 1, all node will be attached in center row.
points : onGuide
<targets> should be placed at points where you wish to attach.
It will automatically get the params and attach the <targets>.
startToEnd, reverse checked or not.
This method is to attach nodes which it is in targets kwargs
points : manual
startToEnd : , reverse
If you have rebuilt the surface U, V from 0 to 1.
you can define where you wish to attach on the surface.