Estimated building time - under 20 mins
1. Drag and Drop Eye module
Drag and Drop → Define a moduleName by usingNaming modules - auto system.
2. Adjust guide shapes - guide set up
guide setup
Drivers will slide on the guides that it will implement movements based on anatomy.
Lips will move based on green line for instance
Oval shape will implement the drop& rotate hybrid kinematic based on the real anatomy when jaw opens
Like in the image above, Lips guide has to wrap closely on the jaw guide.
3. Place all placers
I recommend to have same U values for all
It will make better performance, but It is not necessary.
2. cheeks
3. Lip Puffs and Roll
For CHead1_CMouth:<Side>LipRoll, you can add rotate values to get more rolling behavior.
4. Animation Mode
animation mode
2. you will get above geos if you build one mouth module.
5. Painting weights
Before painting!
In this example, I applied a DeltaMush on MouthHead_01_frtDef to get smooth.
And “CHead1_” is missing in Handling Weights UI, please consider it
You can simply copy weight from L to CHead1_CMouth:R_LowCheek_01_wire
And mirror it self than remove left weights on CHead1_CMouth:R_LowCheek_01_wire
How to copy and paste : DeformerMan
All drivers slide on the tangent of the guide based.
It makes natural and realistic movement.
Animators can take an advantage of moving only two attributes, it will be handy to adjust animCurves.
UpLip and LowLip weights + Jaw weights make the performance above.
DO NOT OVERWRAP each weights.
After all painting job done,
Let’s check what you have done so far,
Hide all your <ModuleType>Def_01_geos group node, and show Face_GEOs.
Move around any _Ctrls to check your face rig performance.
If you are not satisficed,
it is free of going for the placing mode to fix pivots or shapes of guides.
Your rigs will be never broken.
Modify weights in animation mode
Need to add more modules?
Go to place mode and drag drop whatever you need.