

Estimated building time - under 5 mins

1. Drag and Drop Eye module

after drop, you will see like this image with target geos

Drag and Drop → Define a moduleName by usingNaming modules - auto system.




2. Place all placers - design ctrl shapes

Placing to the contact lines with cheek and nose



Placing on your head geo in the image above








3. Animation Mode

  1. Press Animation Mode

  1. SkinBind will be automatically applied on
    target geo





4. Painting weights

  1. set 1.0 on CHead1_CNose:static_01_sknDrv , it will make paint easier.





Then, we will naturally get below weights without extra work , check out how it is.






After all Steps are done, No need to paint weights in this module at this moment (more deformer and functions will be coming soon.)

Let’s check what you have done so far,
Hide all your <ModuleType>Def_01_geos group node, and show Face_GEOs.
Move around any _Ctrls to check your face rig performance.

If you are not satisficed,

it is free of going for the placing mode to fix pivots or shapes of guides.
Your rigs will be never broken.

Back and forth between place mode and animation mode,
skinClusters will be remained, if you would like to change pivots of joints after painting, you will need to export skinWeights first, and then, unBind skins.
If you are satisficed the new pivots, then import skinWeights.




Need to add more modules?
Go to place mode and drag drop whatever you need.