Estimated building time - under 10 min
1. Drag and Drop BrowsA module
Drag and Drop → Define a moduleName by usingNaming modules - auto system.
2. Adjust guide shapes - guide set up
Please try matching the orange area to the brows muscle of face geo.
Light blue are is not important, focus on the orange area.
Move : CHead1_LBrows:GuideAll_01 → Move CHead1_LBrows:GuideColum_<index>
Check out below image
as mush as you can.
It doesn’t allow to move the orange area all components, please use the
CHead1_LBrows:GuideColum_<index> placers to move the guide.
But light blue area is allowed to move component
3. Place all placers
CHead1_LBrows:Placer_<index> are attached on the guide and it moves [U,V] axis, so
Adjusted the guide shape will help to get proper positions on the eyebrow muscles
4. Mirror all Placers and Ctrl Shapes
Face - from Place mode to Animation mode | Mirror for Placers and Ctrl Shapes
5. Animation Mode
6. Paint deformer weights
6. Set “Frown“ expression for animators
After all painting job done,
Let’s check what you have done so far,
Hide all your <ModuleType>Def_01_geos group node, and show Face_GEOs.
Move around any _Ctrls to check your face rig performance.
If you are not satisficed,
it is free of going for the placing mode to fix pivots or shapes of guides.
Your rigs will be never broken.
Modify weights in animation mode.
Need to add more modules?
Go to place mode and drag drop whatever you need.